Name: Mika Orihara(折原みか)
Birthday: 1983/11/28
Height: 154cm | Bust Size: 80cm | Waist Size: 55cm
Hip Size: 80cm | Shoe Size: 23cm
Birthplace: Chiba Prefecture
Hobbies: karaoke, impressionsSexy Japanese race queen Mika Orihara 折原みか has continued being a popular TV talento with appearances on Japanese TV show Goro’s Bar, releasing a bikini video Love Potion (April 2007), her first Jpop single Eternal (Jan 2007) using the stage name Kaori Yamazaki 山 崎かおり (but not to be confused with the AV actress of the same) and a new 2008 calendar. She is known in Japanese entertainment industry as the idol with great abs who enjoys cosplay.
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